Member Profile: Andy, from Russia
Meet Andy, a curious mind from Russia who has made amazing progress with his English. Learn about his journey, a few "false starts", and his special tip for learning with TV series.
Announcing…The Roald Dahl Challenge!
Leonardo English
Ready for our latest hilarious challenge? Get ready to learn English with Roald Dahl's amazing Dirty Beasts poetry collection. Learn new vocabulary, have fun, get AI-powered feedback and connect with curious minds from all over the world.
Announcing…The News of 2024 Challenge!
Leonardo English
Are you ready to finish the year with a fun English challenge? Over 12 days we will learn English with 12 different news stories from 12 different English-language publications, one for every month of the year. Learn new vocabulary, have fun, get AI-powered feedback and connect with curious minds from all over the world
Member Profile: Caroline, from France
Leonardo English
Meet Caroline, a member of Leonardo English from France. Caroline is technically retired, but she sounds much busier than 99% of working people. Learn about how she fits English into her busy schedule, and what else she does to achieve her fluency goals.
Member Profile: Begoña, from Spain
Leonardo English
Meet Begoña, a longstanding member of Leonardo English from Spain. Learn about how an experience at a wedding made her realise she wanted to improve her English, and how she fits language learning into her busy routine.
Member Profile: Yuan, from China
Leonardo English
Meet Yuan, a member of Leonardo English from China. Learn about his English-learning journey, how he made fantastic progress with English, and his tips on what do do (and what NOT to do) when it comes to learning vocabulary.
Connected Speech In English: What It Is And How To Learn It
Language learning
Speaking English is hard because we often don’t say words like we should. Here’s how to understand connected speech and how to speak naturally yourself.
Announcing…The News Challenge!
Leonardo English
Ready for our latest challenge? Over the course of 20 days we'll study 10 different news articles from 10 different English-language publications. Learn new vocabulary, have fun, get AI-powered feedback and connect with curious minds from all over the world.
🥁 Announcing…The 10-Day Story Relay Challenge!
Leonardo English
Are you ready to flex your creative muscles and have some fun at the same time? Get ready for our first challenge of 2024.
24 Unorthodox Ways To Stick To Your English Learning Goals in 2024
Leonardo English
Learning English is hard, and one of the hardest things about it is staying motivated. Here are 24 ways that you can stay motivated and hit your goals in 2024.
Happy 4th Birthday to English Learning for Curious Minds
Leonardo English
English Learning for Curious Minds was first published 4 years ago today. Here is a summary of how things have gone since then, and the main things we've done in 2023.
Reflections on The Phrasal Verb Challenge
Leonardo English
Our first ever "Phrasal Verb Challenge" finished yesterday. It was a huge amount of fun. Here's what it involved, and a sample of one of the "challenges"
Any Language You Want by Fabio Cerpelloni
Language learning
Fabio Cerpelloni, a former learner of English from Italy who became a highly qualified English teacher, answers this question eighteen times in “Any Language You Want”, an inspiring book he wrote for you.
🚀 Announcing…The Phrasal Verb Challenge
Leonardo English
A 21-day challenge to conquer phrasal verbs in English. Get set, don’t hold back, your efforts will pay off. Ready to go ahead? Don’t back out now. You can see it through.
🇬🇧 Announcing The British English Challenge
Leonardo English
Oi oi guv'nr. Ready to learn some real British English? Our inaugural British English challenge starts on July 31st. Here's what you need to know.
Announcing: Improved Study Packs
Leonardo English
Over the past few months we have “secretly” been trialling a new format of learning resource. It’s now here. Take a look and see the latest development.
Preorder "The Mules"
Language learning
We’ve spent months making a new story-based course, and the result is the most exciting project we have worked on so far. Here’s what’s in it, why you might like it, and how you can pre-order it.
🚀 Announcing…Pioneers Of The Continuum
I’m thrilled to announce our latest project, a new audio-drama series starring your favourite ESL podcasters.
🌍 Announcing…translations in 12 languages
Leonardo English
Exciting news. We have just launched live translations in 12 languages. Great news if you speak Español, Deutsch, Polski, Italiano, Français, Türkçe, Português, 日本, 中文, Čeština, Русский or عربي!
Members-only Session: Artificial Intelligence (and how to use it to learn English)
Leonardo English
One evening in April, curious minds from a wide variety of different countries got together to have a discussion about a pressing topic: Artificial Intelligence. Is it a friend or is it a foe, and how can English learners take full advantage of this technology.
Member Profile: Fran from Spain [video]
Meet Fran, a curious mind from Spain. Learn more about Fran's "journey" with English, why he has rejected traditional "textbook" methods, and why he believes in independent language learning.
Member Profile: Halenur, from Turkey
Leonardo English
Meet Halenur, a curious mind from Turkey. Learn about her English-learning experience, her view on how to develop your vocabulary, and how listening to podcasts helped her get a high score on the IELTS.
Members-only Session: Countries of The World
Leonardo English
On the last Wednesday of March, curious minds from a wide range of countries gathered for an interesting "countries of the world" session. Here's the low-down on what happened.
🤖 Announcing The April Vocabulary Builder Challenge [powered by OpenAI]
Leonardo English
A 30-day challenge to master 100 advanced words and phrases. Learn vocabulary, practise your writing with a group of like-minded students, and get instant feedback from Da Vinci, our OpenAI-powered English teacher.
Reflections on The Creative Writing Challlenge
Leonardo English
Our first "Creative Writing Challenge" finished this week. Here's an insider look into how it went, including the tasks our wonderful challengers undertook.
Members-only Session: Story Time
Leonardo English
Telling stories is a fundamental part of being a human. But telling a story in a foreign language is not always easy. Here's how we practised this (and had a lot of fun) during a members-only session.
Announcing…The Creative Writing Challenge!
Leonardo English
Write stories. Connect with other curious minds. Have fun. Improve your English at the same time. It’s time for a new challenge…
Member Profile: Marianne, from France
Meet Marianne, a curious mind from France who now calls Bristol "home". Learn what she finds the hardest about learning English, and her "podcast learning routine".
English Learning for Curious Minds now available on LingQ
Leonardo English
Great news - you can now listen to selected episodes of English Learning for Curious Minds on LingQ!
How to Use Artificial Intelligence to Improve Your English
Language learning
Did you know that you can use artificial intelligence to help you learn English? No, it’s not science fiction! It’s real, it’s free and you can begin using it today with our guide! Teachers, we have tips for you, too!
What Is the Pareto Principle and How Can You Use It to Learn English More Effectively?
Language learning
Some people say that 20% of your effort produces 80% of your results. Is this true for language learning? If it is, how can you use this knowledge to learn more effectively?
10 Ways to Learn English with the BBC
Language learning
The BBC - the British Broadcasting Corporation - has been producing videos, radio programmes, articles and even English practice materials for over 100 years. Let us guide you through our choices of the very best content for English learners.
The Best British English Podcasts [2024]
I say, old chap, are you looking for podcasts from Old Blighty? Let’s take a look at the very best British English podcasts for language learners and how you can use them to improve your proficiency. God save the King!
The Leonardo English Christmas Quiz
Leonardo English
One cold December night, curious minds from a wide range of countries gathered for our first ever “Christmas Pub Quiz”. There wasn’t a pub, but there were questions and merriment. Here’s how it went, and how you can take the quiz yourself and test your knowledge.
The Best Podcasts To Prepare For IELTS [2022]
Listening is a tough part of the IELTS test and speaking is even harder. Here’s the good news; we can show you how to use podcasts to prepare for the listening AND speaking parts of the IELTS test. And you’ll even have fun while doing it.
Can A Robot Write A Podcast?
Leonardo English
A startup called OpenAI released an Artificial Intelligence Chatbot called ChatGPT a few days ago. I tested it out to see whether it could write an episode of English Learning for Curious Minds
The Guide To Transcription: A Powerful Technique for English Learners
Language learning
Transcription is a simple study activity that you can do on your own, anytime you choose. Our guide will explain different transcription techniques and help you choose the one that works best for you.
Members-only Session: The Great British Quiz
Leonardo English
For the first time even, we held a "quiz". It was a great experience, there was a healthy sense of competition, and we all learned a lot of weird and wonderful facts about the United Kingdom.
10 Activities to Improve Your English Pronunciation [Self-Study Guide #7]
Language learning
Pronunciation is more than just getting different sounds correct. It’s speaking clearly with the correct pace, tone and stress. These ten simple activities will help you practise all these things.
10 Activities to Improve Your English Vocabulary [Self-Study Guide #6]
Language learning
A wide range of vocabulary is the very foundation of good English language skills. It’s important to learn vocabulary efficiently and effectively, so that it’s not easily forgotten. These ten simple activities will help you do just that.
10 Activities to Improve Your English Grammar [Self-Study Guide #5]
Language learning
For many learners, grammar is the hardest aspect of English. Others enjoy learning grammar as a way to better analyse English sentences. Whatever your feelings on grammar, you know it’s important. That’s why we’ve put together this guide with ten great ideas for grammar activities that you can do on your own!
10 Activities to Improve Your English Speaking [Self-Study Guide #4]
Language learning
Speaking isn’t something you can practise on your own; you need a teacher for that, right? Wrong! There are plenty of ways to practise speaking on your own and our guide will start you off with ten great activities!
10 Activities to Improve Your English Reading [Self-Study Guide #3]
Language learning
Thanks to the Internet, it’s easy to find things to read in English. But what is the best way to approach reading? What methods and activities can you try? This guide will give you ten great ideas for reading activities that you can do on your own… today!
10 Activities to Improve Your English Writing [Self-Study Guide #2]
Language learning
Are you looking for ways to practise your writing, but you have no teacher and no idea where to start? This guide will give you ten great ideas for writing activities that you can do on your own… today!
10 Activities to Improve Your English Listening [Self-Study Guide #1]
Language learning
Listening materials in coursebooks are not authentic, but “real” listening materials can be too difficult. So, what is the best way to practise real listening? This guide will help you out with ten great ideas for listening activities that you can do on your own!
My Favourite Episodes of English Learning for Curious Minds of 2022
Here’s a list of my favourite 12 episodes from 2022 (so far). How many have you managed to listen to?
October Members-only Session: “The Great Mouse Plot”
Leonardo English
For our October members-only session we read an extract from Roald Dahl’s memoirs, Boy: Tales of Childhood. It was an amazing session where we talked about childhood, evil adults, and the experiences that shaped this iconic children’s writer.
🍿 Announcing the Films & TV Challenge
Leonardo English
Our next challenge will start on November 7th. Here's everything you need to know about it, and how you can take part.
Synonym Practice | How Smart English Learners Improve Their Vocabulary
Language learning
English is a language known for its large and varied vocabulary. Does this mean it will be harder to become fluent? Not if you build our synonym activity into your learning routine!
Ten Great Books for English Learners
Language learning
Reading is a great habit for many reasons, and one of them is learning English! With a good book, you can escape into a whole new world and improve your vocabulary at the same time. Here are our ten top recommended books for English learners.
Using Translation to Enhance Your English Study
Language learning
You might have heard people telling you not to translate between languages if you want to become fluent. However, there is one theory that suggests that translation is good! What is this theory and how can it help you?
10 Greek Words in English (And Their Fascinating Original Meanings)
Language learning
By some calculations, one third of English words have Greek origins. In this article, we explain the impact of Ancient Greek on English, and look at 10 Ancient Greek words and their fascinating original meanings.
How To Teach English Listening (So Your Students Will Love It)
Language learning
Textbook listening clips can be unrealistic, boring, outdated and strange. It’s 2022 and time to explore new ways of teaching listening.
Our First Book Club | Discussing George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”
Leonardo English
On the last day of August we hosted our first ever “book club”, where we discussed George Orwell’s classic novel, Animal Farm. Here’s how it went, and why we will be doing another one very soon.
What Is the 4-3-2 Exercise and How Can It Help Your English Speaking?
Language learning
Everyone likes a challenge! Here is a language challenge that you can either do with a partner or by yourself - it’s the 4-3-2 exercise! It can help you speak more fluently and even help you prepare for the IELTS speaking test.
10 English Listening Exercises That You Can Do Today (For Free)
Language learning
There are plenty of resources out there for you to practise listening. In fact, there are so many that most learners don’t know where to start! That’s where our guide will help you. Let us recommend the best free listening techniques and resources - and how to use them.
Pre-order “Demystifying Business English”
Language learning
We’ve spent months working on a course English language schools will *hate*. It’s called “Demystifying Business English”. Here’s what’s in it, why you might like it, and how you can get early access to it.
What Is Signposting in English and Why Does It Matter?
Language learning
Signposting is a simple and easy-to-learn technique that can improve your listening, writing and even presentation skills. In fact, once you know this technique, you will see it everywhere! Let us explain it to you with this step-by-step guide.
What is The Monitor Hypothesis and Why Does it Matter?
Language learning
The Monitor Hypothesis is one of many ideas developed by Professor Stephen Krashen to help people learn a second language more effectively. What is this powerful idea about self-correction and how can it help you in your speaking?
Intensive Listening vs. Extensive Listening in English
Language learning
Many English learners use ineffective strategies in their independent listening practice. Avoid this problem with our guide to intensive and extensive listening. We will show you how and why it is important to practise both of these techniques.
June Conversation Session: Films, Books & TV Series
Leonardo English
Curious about what happened at our June Conversation Session? It was a wonderful evening full of discussions about interesting films, books & TV series. Here's what happened.
Linking Words in English: What Are They and Why Do They Matter?
Language learning
Without linking words, your writing will be harder for readers to understand. This article explains linking words and their importance, gives plenty of examples and provides extra guidance on the most confusing ones.
The Best Exercises to Improve Your Pronunciation
Language learning
This guide for English learners will help you identify your weak areas of pronunciation, understand what you need to improve and give practical tips on how to strengthen your vocal skills.
The Best Podcasts To Improve English Pronunciation
Used correctly, podcasts are a powerful tool to improve your English speaking. In this article we’ll share the best podcasts to improve your English pronunciation, and give you effective strategies to make the best of them.
Our First Ever Murder Mystery Game
Leonardo English
Learn about our first ever "Murder Mystery" game for members, and guess who the guilty party might have been...
Translating Business English: A Guide to Corporate Jargon (for non-native Speakers)
Language learning
The business world is full of confusing phrases, acronyms and buzzwords. If you are entering an English-speaking workplace, don’t worry; we can help. We have prepared a handy guide to “translating” Business English.
How To Better Understand Native English Speakers [Advice from an English teacher]
Language learning
It can feel frustrating when you have been learning English for many years, but you still struggle to understand native speakers. Our guide to better understanding native speakers explains the problems you may face and gives practical strategies to help you.
The Simple Guide to Word Order in English
Language learning
Word order in English seems at first to be straightforward. However, if you take a closer look with our guide, you can avoid many common mistakes made by upper-intermediate English learners. These are practical tips that you can use in both speaking and writing.
New Feature || Search Podcasts by Tag
Leonardo English
We've just launched an even easier way of finding an interesting podcast episode to listen to. Here's how to use the "Search by Tag" functionality to find an interesting episode to listen to.
How to Prepare for a Job Interview in English
Language learning
Job interviews are already stressful, but what if your interview is in English, and you speak English as a second language? Don’t panic! We have some great tips to help you ace your English job interview, even if it’s online.
8 Confusing English Grammar Rules and How to Deal With Them
Language learning
English grammar is not only hard, but it’s also confusing and sometimes it doesn’t even make sense! From adjective order to whom and who, here are my top tips on how to deal with difficult grammar situations.
Love Them Or Hate Them, You Need Phrasal Verbs
Language learning
Phrasal verbs are confusing, and there are so many of them. Sometimes, they don’t seem to make any sense. But can you ignore them? And, if not, what are some techniques to master them?
How Can Specific Action Verbs and Strong Action Verbs Boost Your English?
Language learning
If you want to express yourself powerfully in English, you need the right verb. We’ll show you where, when and why this is important and give you tips for learning new action verbs.
Members-only “Show & Tell” Icebreaker Session
Leonardo English
We had a special edition of our Members-only Icebreaker session on Wednesday, bringing curious minds together with curious objects in a “show & tell” session. Here’s how it went, and some of the unusual objects that were "showed and told".
How to Use Minimal Pairs to Improve Your English Pronunciation
Language learning
Minimal pairs are a simple tool to identify and correct pronunciation issues. Here is how you can practise them and use them as a tool to speak more naturally.
Reflections on The 21 Days of Idioms Challenge
Leonardo English
Our inaugural 21 Days of Idioms Challenge is now over. Here’s how it went, everything we learned, and a full list of all of the idioms in the challenge.
The Teacher’s Guide to Improving Your English Vocabulary
Language learning
A wide range of vocabulary is the very foundation of good English language skills. In this article you'll learn practical tips and simple strategies for improving your vocabulary from an experienced English teacher.
The Definitive Guide to British Regional Accents
Language learning
People often talk about “the British accent”. The reality is that there are many British accents and they can sound very different indeed! We will guide you through the main types of British accents and explain what all this means for an English learner.
Filler Words in English - What Are They and How Do You Use Them?
Language learning
Is your goal to speak fluently with no hesitation? Perhaps that shouldn’t be your goal at all. This article shows how filler words can actually help you to express yourself more clearly.
⚡️ Announcing the 21 Days of Idioms Challenge
Leonardo English
Our next challenge will start on March 28th. Here's everything you need to know about it, and how you can take part.
10 Ways to Speak More Naturally in English
Language learning
Every English learner wants to speak English more naturally. Here are our top ten tips to sounding more natural in English, and the practical methods you can start using today.
Idioms in English: Do They Really Matter?
Language learning
Many English learners become obsessed with idioms and see them as a way to become a natural speaker of English. Let’s explore just how important idioms are… and the dangers of using them.
10 Ways to Start a Sentence in English
Language learning
Using sentence starters is an easy way to lift your English to the next level. We will give you ten categories of sentence starters that are simple to use, explain each one, and provide you with plenty of examples. You can use them straight away!
Special Offer: 1€ Private English Lessons from British Council approved Tutors
Language learning
We’ve teamed up with British Council EnglishScore to offer 1€ private lessons with British Council approved English tutors. Read on to see how you can get a private English lesson for less than the cost of a cup of coffee.
How to Make Learning English Grammar Great Again
Language learning
Do you avoid learning grammar? Do you feel that it’s boring and unhelpful? Read our guide for independent learners and let us change your mind. We’ll show you how to make grammar a “great” part of your English practice.
Members-only January 2022 Icebreaker Sessions
Leonardo English
This week some amazing curious minds came together for not one but two different Icebreaker meetings. Here's how they went, and a sneak peek into some of the "icebreaker" questions we answered...
A Guide to Business Writing in English: How to Write in a Professional and Modern Style
Language learning
Business English isn’t as complicated as you might think it is. Here are a the most important steps that you can take to make sure your business writing impresses your clients and co-workers.
The Best Activities To Improve Your English With TED Talks
Language learning is an amazing resource for English learners. This guide shows you how to get the maximum benefit from the site by applying active listening techniques.
The Most Common Mistakes in English For Spanish Speakers
Language learning
Spanish is a beautiful language with many things in common with English. However, you just can’t speak English in the same way you speak Spanish! Use our guide to discover the common mistakes that Spanish speakers make in English and how to avoid them.
IELTS vs. TOEFL vs CAE…Which English Certificate Is the Best for You?
English learners have a lot of options when it comes to choosing an English certificate. Learn the differences and find out which one is best to achieve your goals in English.
Does My Foreign Accent Really Matter? The Guide for English Learners
Language learning
Are you afraid that your accent is holding you back from speaking better English? This article will help you understand the role of accent in pronunciation, and we’ll give you tips to speak more clearly.
Member Profile: Isabella, from Germany [AUDIO]
Meet (and listen to!) Isabella, a curious mind from Germany. Learn about how she has developed a wonderful English accent despite having spent very little time in an English-speaking country.
Why Learning In Context Is The Most Important Way Of Improving Your Vocabulary
Language learning
Do you hate vocabulary lists? Do you feel that new words disappear from your memory soon after you learn them? It's time to learn about a much more effective way.
The 10 Best English Listening Activities for Independent Learners
Language learning
Listening is a powerful way to increase your fluency in English, but you need good strategies to become an active and independent listener. Here are our favourite 10 activities that will help you improve faster and more effectively.
What Is Active Listening and How Can It Help You Learn Faster? A Guide For English Learners
Language learning
There’s a lot more to improving your listening skills than just listening. This guide shows you how switching to active listening can help you learn faster and more effectively.
Happy 2nd Birthday To English Learning for Curious Minds
Leonardo English
It’s now 2 years since we released the first episode of English Learning for Curious Minds. Here’s everything that happened this year, and some fun statistics about who was listening.
Improving Your Writing Will Help You Speak English Better - Here’s How.
Language learning
Writing is an incredibly powerful skill for English learners that will help you improve your vocabulary, stop making the same mistakes, and become a more confident and eloquent speaker of English. In this guide, English teacher Emile explains why, and how you can make the most of this technique.
Member Profile: Aminah, from Thailand
Meet Aminah, a curious mind from Thailand who moved to the UK last year. Learn about her English goals, and how she is planning to get her IELTS test to get her license to practise dentistry in the UK, all while taking care of her young baby.
English Teachers: Here Is How Podcasts Can Help Your Students
Language learning
Used correctly, podcasts are a fun and effective way for your ESL students to improve listening skills. Your students will thank you for introducing them.